Latest questions about "wondershare"

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7 answers 13.6k views
What is this DrFoneAndroid/Wondershare on my laptop I've just noticed? I've never seen it before. I'm going through a nasty break up, and my ex is a computer wizard.
asked Jun 6, 2015 by Lea about Wondershare Dr.Fone for Android
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1 answer 409 views
I have been using the program regularly since I have a young daughter who gets on my phone to play games and has a habit of deleting things -- including text messages, phone contacts etc.
asked Jan 9, 2015 about Wondershare Dr.Fone for Android
0 votes
1 answer 375 views
When I download my pictures from Shutterfly to Wondershare, they are distorted. It does not have very good quality. Any suggestions?
asked May 22, 2013
0 votes
3 answers 16.7k views
Wondershare caused my Windows to stop working. I've tried to uninstall from list of programs, but I get message back saying it does not exist, yet I can see it listed.
asked May 20, 2013
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