Latest questions about "the sims 3"

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1 answer 359 views
My question is: how can I create a particular object and put it in my game in order to use it?
asked Jun 24, 2012 about The Sims 3
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1 answer 198 views
I want to install The Sims 3 on my sister's computer, but I don't know how. I have read the explanations and I am getting nowhere. Can you help?
asked Dec 2, 2011 by isabell (120 points) about Sims 3
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2 answers 641 views
I can't update The Sims 3. It says that they couldn't connect to EA Games Download Manager. When I play The Sims 3, it crashes after a couple of minutes.
asked Jul 20, 2011 about The Sims 3
0 votes
1 answer 372 views
The Sims 3 is installing but I can't play it. Can you help?
asked May 10, 2011 about The Sims 3
0 votes
1 answer 266 views
After I cleaned my files, I reinstalled all Sims 3 games. Also, I reinstalled the Create a World Tool and when I try to use it, I receive an error saying: "Attempted to read or write protected memory.
asked May 4, 2011 by Precious 2 (120 points) about The Sims™ 3 Create a World Tool - Beta
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