Latest questions about "ipv4"

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1 answer 253 views
What pattern would I use to block IP addresses that are called directly by the fixed ip address, and not by the domain name? For example, allow akamai.
asked Sep 19, 2015 by coderwolf (120 points)
0 votes
1 answer 4.5k views
Some times when I start my new Dell laptop, this comes: "Start PXE over IPv4". What does it mean and what's the problem?
asked May 5, 2013
–1 vote
3 answers 628 views
Why does IE 8 stop working while browsing and the screen go blank? This happens repeatedly on my Windows 7 PC, and my laptop with Vista. It's quite annoying trying to get my screen back.
asked Aug 18, 2010 about Internet Explorer
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