Why does IE 8 stop working while browsing and the screen go blank? This happens repeatedly on my Windows 7 PC, and my laptop with Vista. It's quite annoying trying to get my screen back. I did not have this problem with IE 7.

–1 vote
asked by about Internet Explorer

Why does IE 8 stop working while browsing and the screen go blank? This happens repeatedly on my Windows 7 PC, and my laptop with Vista. It's quite annoying trying to get my screen back. I did not have this problem with IE 7.

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered by (1.6k points)

Please update your Windows 7 with the Automatic Update. If in case of missing critical update also cause this problem. Install a Windows cleaner software such as CCleaner and go for a periodical check Good Luck

–1 vote
No avatar answered by (120 points)

I recently came across the situation of IE crashing/closing on launch with no error pop-up. Setting the homepage to about:blank stopped this, but the tab crashed as soon a I tried to navigate away from that page. I tried launching with no add-ons and it worked fine, so I set about disabling them (almost) one by one - I disabled the accelerators all in one go, and disabling them fixed it. I have since re-enabled them one by one to see which one was causing it, but the problem has not re-appeared. Here's to hoping.

Still after such problems with IE8 i Prefer using firefox it works weell plus better speed..

–1 vote
No avatar answered by (3.1k points)

The desktop application makes numerous programs "hang" for no real reason besides the fact it is poorly built. Almost anything that connects to the net and is not focused (the program that you have actively selected/using) it hangs a lot more. One way to HELP avoid this is to minimize IE when your not using it. Until Microsoft fixes explorer.exe (dekstop) iexplorer (IE) will keep crashing as well as FireFox, Chrome, and even the program I am coding.

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