Latest questions about "genie 2000"

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3 answers 3.2k views
I have installed Genie 2000 software on my 64-bit Windows 7, but when I try to open data file, it shows the following message "Error ece99e48: cannot create handle to connect to VDM".
asked Jul 24, 2015 by Lai Nhat
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1 answer 230 views
I am currently using the Genie 2000 software, but have problems setting the activity and error in the Nuclide Information.
asked Dec 24, 2014 by Sharmane
0 votes
2 answers 2.5k views
I have installed Genie 2000 software on my 64-bit Windows 7, but when I try to run the VDM service manager file, it shows VDM has stopped working.
asked May 20, 2013 about Genie-2000
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