Latest questions about "3connect"

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1 answer 269 views
Can you help me locate the path to the text messages? I can't find them anywhere on my PC. I need to find the file that contains all my texts.
asked Nov 30, 2009 about 3Connect
–1 vote
3 answers 381 views
The 3Connect utility disconnects again and again. Will the connection be improved if I update 3Connect?
asked Nov 25, 2009 by THOMAS ONEILL (110 points) about 3Connect
+1 vote
3 answers 470 views
While upgrading my Huawei modem, I got files like bkuplogfile.txt and logfile.txt. Those log files have 4000Kb and they put themselves on my desktop.
asked May 15, 2008 by Eva Falk (130 points) about 3Connect
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