Latest questions about "surround sound"

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1 answer 198 views
I need to read an AC3 file and output the 5.1 into 6 channels of raw data. Is there any ActiveX or DLL I can download?
asked Jan 14, 2014 about AC3Tools Pro
0 votes
1 answer 1.1k views
My OneKey Theatre is not working properly. If I go to Movie Mode, the display settings changes but the audio doesn't. How can I fix that?
asked Oct 6, 2012 about Lenovo OneKey Theater
–1 vote
1 answer 261 views
How does it work?I have Vista and registered Diablo II LOD, but it does not seem to make a difference.
asked Nov 12, 2009 by Alied Pérez Martínez (320 points) about 3D Sound Back
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