Latest questions about "supertvpro"

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1 answer 301 views
I have the SuperTVPro installed on my computer and when I record from the TV, I have no sound. When I open the program, I had the following error message: "Fail to initialize hardware!
asked May 25, 2011 by Willie 1 (120 points) about SuperTVPro
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1 answer 431 views
I purchased SuperTVPro PCI TV capture card two years ago and it's still OK, but when I want to install it further after the PC formatting it says there is a problem with and shows the following error...
asked Mar 29, 2011 by MALAY DEY (120 points) about SuperTVPro
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1 answer 274 views
On Windows Vista and Windows 7 it doesn't initialize the capture card. Can you help?
asked Apr 20, 2010 about SuperTVPro
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