Latest questions about "businesscards"

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1 answer 182 views
I have paid in 2002 for the Address Book program and since a few years ago I was unable to use it. Can you please tell me if it's possible to re-download it?
asked Jan 14, 2017 by Karin Peninou about BusinessCards
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2 answers 349 views
I have been using it everyday for my personal contacts for several years now and am very satisfied with it. I've tried many similar programs before, but always keep returning to this one.
asked Dec 8, 2013 by Ranko Ganic (120 points) about BusinessCards Infinity & ProLabels
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2 answers 292 views
When I go to print out a card it is truncating the leading character in the 1st position. Why is this happening
asked Mar 20, 2009 by camille costelli (120 points) about BusinessCards
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