Latest questions about "autocad r14"

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1 answer 200 views
My AutoCAD R14 runs on Windows 7 with no problems but it does not show up as an "installed" program when I try to uninstall it. The program was transferred from an older computer to this one.
asked Apr 6, 2016 by derenzo1 about AutoCAD R14
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1 answer 1.9k views
I've been running Autocad 14 in Windows 98, XP, and 7, but have not been able to run it in Windows 8. Has there been any luck with anyone able to find a way to run Autocad 14 in Windows 8?
asked Nov 25, 2012 about AutoCAD R14
0 votes
1 answer 300 views
How do I get the file name and location to show up on the printer when I plot?
asked Jul 24, 2008 by Mirek Wokan (120 points) about AutoCAD R14
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