Latest questions about "os upgrade"

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1 answer 353 views
I am trying to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I get an error code of 0x80080005-0x90016. I did a search on that error and you software came up advising it would fix it.
asked Nov 22, 2015 by Mike
0 votes
1 answer 347 views
I bought a Galaxy S4 I9500 replica and I was wondering if there is a way to update the OS because I'm not happy with the current one. I'll be very thankful if someone helps me with this!
asked Dec 7, 2013
0 votes
1 answer 405 views
Is there a way to upgrade my Android version, to a higher one like 2.3.7 or 3.0.0? Or to upgrade my Armv6 to Armv7? Can you provide a solution without the need to root my device?
asked Oct 11, 2013
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