Latest questions about "lg burning tools"

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1 answer 199 views
How can I add more data to a disc that was already burned?
asked Sep 18, 2011 by D R Brackenridge (120 points) about LG Burning Tools
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1 answer 329 views
I tried to copy from external drive onto a CD and it says: "Unable to locate VIDEO-TS folder under the root directory". Can you find the way how to do that?
asked Aug 8, 2011 by andre lepage (120 points) about LG Burning Tools
–1 vote
1 answer 247 views
I'M wasting a lot of space when burning a disc. How do i tell program to "don't finalize disc or "let write to the end"?
asked Jan 10, 2010 by bart beaucock (110 points) about LG Burning Tools
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