Latest questions about "flight game"

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1 answer 454 views
I have Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, but when I start the game it keeps asking for disc 4. Can you tell me what to do to overcome this issue?
asked Jan 16, 2013 about Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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1 answer 249 views
I have a problem with the Flight Simulator version: The game is properly installed in Windows XP Pro. Upon opening the package he gives an error.
asked May 12, 2011 by Rob Wittebrood (120 points) about Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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1 answer 309 views
I purchased Polar Golfer from WildGames, but I can't find my code number. Can you help me?
asked Nov 30, 2008 by curt (120 points) about Polar Golfer from WildGames
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