How to save my pictures from BlueStacks WhatsApp to my PC?

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How to save my pictures from BlueStacks WhatsApp to my PC?

commented by (140 points)
Hey....nothing to worry just install latest version of    bluestacks(version and install ol file manager in it.....after that olfilemanager will give u a windows folder which includes pictures and other shared folders which r accessible in both windows and bluestacks...!!!
So if u want a data in ur pc which is in bluestacks just copy it to windows/pictures/....
commented by (100 points)
i installed ol file manager..but no windows folder in it..
commented by (100 points)
thank you to reply me
commented by (140 points)
@ashraf ali ..there is a windows folder in it otherwise u r not using the latest version of bluestacks
commented by (100 points)

45 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Since you cannot export the pictures right out of the BlueStacks, I recommend installing Dropbox. You can upload your files to Dropbox, then browse to website and download the pictures. This is the easiest way to transfer pictures from a BlueStacks installation.

asked Dec 23, 2013
edited Apr 10, 2015 by
Save pictures received from WhatsApp to USB SDcard.
asked Mar 27, 2014
edited Feb 3, 2015 by
How to backup game files from Bluestacks on my PC?
commented by (510 points)
edited by
How do i find the media sent by other people to me via Whatsapp in my PC? Easy stop doing **** that youre not supposed to be doing bitch
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Thanks for trying Bluestacks and sharing your issue. Please find below some steps that will help you in uploading pics on instagram:-

You can access the data from windows using Instagram in BlueStacks app player. Please follow the steps below:-

  1. First copy the contents (pictures/videos/text files) from windows you want to access from within BlueStacks.

  2. Paste the copied data to the path :- C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder

  3. Launch BlueStacks and install ES File Manager.

  4. Launch ES File Manager and search for the bstfolder and then go to BstSharedFolder.

  5. In BstSharedFolder, all the data you copied from the windows will be visible.

  6. You can select all the data or particular images by long pressing on it and selecting the option "Copy"

  7. Now Click on the UP button in the application itself to go to the main menu i.e. to sdcard

  8. Now choose paste (from menu -> operation -> paste) and all the data will be copied on the sdcard.

    • Launch Instagram -> Gallery -> copied pictures will be visible.
commented by (100 points)
how to do it in mac???
asked Jan 5, 2014
edited Oct 31, 2014 by
Downloading video from WhatsApp to PC.
commented by (100 points)
i also did'nt find the user data folder
commented by (100 points)
thanking you....
commented by (100 points)
thnx a lot dear.u helped me a lot
0 votes
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Its very easy to copy the data from bluestacks to your PC. Just download Astro File Manager and install it using bluestacks. Its android browser. After installation, open it. You will get a folder 'mnt'. In this, you will find the folder 'sdcard'. There you will find your data. For example, the data shared in whatsapp will be there in folder 'whatsapp'. Click on the file you want to transfer to your PC. Do not leave your click. Keep holding the same click. And you will get the option of 'copy/move' at the lower side of your screen. Click on copy/move. Then click on the folder 'sdcard'. You may further get the folder of 'sdcard'. Finally you will get the folder 'bstfolder'. Within which yo will get the folder 'BstSharedFolder'. Click on 'Paste' below. Now the file has been copied to your PC. Its path in your pc is: Computer - C Drive - ProgramData - BlueStacks - UserData - SharedFolder. File is here in your PC. Enjoy :)

asked Feb 18, 2014
edited Feb 26, 2015 by
Problems copying the file from MNT to bstSharedFolder.
commented by (100 points)
just go to c:\ then unhide hidden folders.there u will see program data folder then goto: c:\program data\Bluestacks\userdata....
asked Mar 29, 2014 No bstfolder and SharedFolder
asked May 1, 2014
edited Aug 20, 2014 by
There is no WhatsApp folder on my SD card.
0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

all non sense raveena ,u just open C drive then documents and settings then all users then application data then bluestacks then u will definitely get the required folder"user data" 100 per cent..ok

0 votes
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this application complete running , thanks to answer informer..

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In your Bluestacks, 1. Launch file manager. 2. Copy the "whats app" folder. 3. Go to "bstfolder" and to "Bstsharedfolder" 4. Click on paste. After all that, you go to the following link C:\ProgramData\Bluestacks\UserData\SharedFolder\WhatsApp (the folder that you copied previously in the file manager). At first you got to uncheck the all hide folder properties checkboxes in Folder Option.

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in your blue stacks download file manger then copy your image from that file manager following path --- file manger/whatsapp/media/whatsappimages AND then paste it in same file manager but follow this path --- file manager/bstfolder/pictures.

these all images, video,voice clip will reflect in your PC in my picture (C/users/lenovo/mypictures)

this will definitely help......

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there is no folder like User data in bluestacks

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try this.... instal astro file mgr, open pictures,then there is a view button below,select directory options ,select show hidden files...apply..after that u can see a thumbnails folder it..there will be the pictures..keep pressing on that pic,will show a option copy..then select it..and select home there,whole folders wil be displayed. open Bstfolder and then select Bstsharedfolder,before opening keep pressing,will see a paste it... then close it. goto C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder...there is ur file..try it.

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go to C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder here u can put all of your pics and find them so easy on sdcard have nice day

asked Jan 2, 2014
edited Aug 22, 2014 by
PC to Bluestack transfer.
commented by (100 points)
path not found

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