Recovering from command prompt

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No avatar asked by (180 points)
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I was able to get my laptop download 8.1 pro build 9600. Long story how I got it, you can read my blog. My problem is that I had a time conflict due to my LG G2 running web pc suite through a server in Australia. I was indexing and setting playlists with Windows Media on 3 dvrs and my 1T hard drive on my desktop. All this was controlled by my LG G2. Well, my laptop crashed and I don't want to lose anything that has to do with 9600. My hard drive, memory, everything.I was able to look at the entire hard drive with tree prompts at the command line and everything looks fine except that it was partitioned into 4 pieces at least. I couldn't get a volume and available reading on any of the partitions. My boot system has a boot manager and a boot partition. Can't remember but they boot different partitions and neither is to backup drive. One is for my original 8.1 and the other is for 8.2 server RT and server 12 and 13. Can I copy my hard drive contents with command prompt before I try anything else? I have Blu-ray burner on my desktop that would be perfect or my laptop will burn DVDs. But I don't know if I can boot any of the drivers to run it.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

It's possible to copy all the contents to another driver. Connect the driver to the PC and then start the Command Prompt. Use the XCOPY function to get the data transferred to another partition.

Data partition: C:\ Free partition: E:\

Command line: xcopy /E C:\*.* E:\*.*

Connect the drive to another computer and use the Blu-ray to backup the data, then perform the recovery.

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