Is it possible to play Blu-rays on my Macbook AIR?

0 votes
asked by (120 points) about Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player
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I'm trying to use this player to enjoy some Blu-ray movies on my Macbook Air. Is there any tutorial I can refer to?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (320 points)

Thanks for supporting our Mac Blu-ray Player, and here are several steps for helping you to play bluray on your Macbook air.

First of all,you should have a Blu-ray drive at hand. (You can buy one whose USB should be above 2.0 from stores or Amazon online .)

Step 1: Connect the Blu-ray drive to the 13" MacBook Air via the USB interface.

Step 2: Get the MacBook Air Blu-ray Player You can free download MacBook Air Blu-ray Player from

Step 3: Install and run MacBook Air Blu-ray Player software on your MacBook Air.

Step 4: Play Blu-ray Disc, Blu-ray ISO file, BDMV folder on MacBook Air Insert your BD into the Blu-ray driver and MacBook Air Blu-ray Player software will load and the BD will be played automatically.

Otherwise, you can press "Open Disc" button to select BDMV folder or press "Open File" button to choose Blu-ray ISO file to play.

Finally, you can have a great Blu-ray fun on your MacBook Air.

0 votes
answered by (264k points)
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Yes, it's possible to play Blu-ray discs and files on your Mac Air. The developers have created a page where you can see a tutorial with images and all the necessary items you need to have.

Tutorial page:

If you have an internal Blu-ray DVD player, then you may skip the external Blu-ray player support.

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