Password reset Dell Optiplex 390 Desktop

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How do I reset the password for my Dell Optiplex 390 Desktop?

commented by (15.6k points)
What kind of password do you want to reset?

8 Answers

+2 votes
answered by (520 points)

To reset Dell password, there are several free methods:

  1. With another admin account.
  2. With Windows 7 password reset disk.
  3. From Safe Mode.
  4. With CMD.
  5. Using "lusrmgr.msc" More dtails you can found on other sites, it is easy to find.

Anothe tip: Reset Dell password with Windows Password Recovery Tool.

  1. Install this program on another computer and create a password recovery disk with USB
  2. Insert the disk to your laptop and set your laptop to boot from it.
  3. All user accounts will be loaded, then you can reset any user password. If you want to read more details:
0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)
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To reset the BIOS password from a Dell laptop you need to remove the password jumper from the motherboard. You need to follow a few steps in order to reset the password. After you locate the 3-pin CMOS password reset jumper, remove it and plug from pins 1 and 2. At first place the jumper plug on pins 2 and 3 and wait approximately for 5 seconds. After that replace the jumper plug on pins 1 and 2 and you are done.

The location of the password jumper on the motherboard can be found in Optiplex User Guides.

0 votes
answered by

If you forgot the windows login password and want to recover or reset windows password, there is two methods to reset windows login password:

Methods 1: Use the password reset disk to recover the Windows password, by this methods, you need create a Windows password reset disk before you have lost or forgotten your Windows admin password.

Method 2: Using Windows Password Recovery software to recover Windows password As an easy method to recover the forgotten Windows password, there are only four steps as follow: Step1: Download Anmosoft Windows Password Reset V8.0 and install it. (Download from here: ). Step2: Burn the ISO image file onto a blank CD/DVD or USB. Step3: Boot up your Windows PC by the bootable burned CD/DVD or USB in minutes. Step4: Remove the forgotten Windows password on the operation interface and logon PC without password.

0 votes
answered by

Have you create a windows password reset disk before?If so,do as follow steps: Step1: When you log on with enter the wrong password, Windows will display a warn message point out your password is wrong, Just click OK to close the message box. Step2: Insert your Windows password reset disk right now after click Reset Windows Password. Step3: Then, just follow the steps of Password Reset Wizard to create a new and easy to remember password. Step4: Log on with the new password.

Besides, Windows Password Reset would be your great choice.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (320 points)

How to reset Dell password? You cam make use of SmartKey Windows Password Recovery Professional.With SmartKey Windows Password Recovery tool, you can easily reset forgotten administrator and other user account password for Windows 7, 2008, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000 system. As long as you have physical access to the machine, you are able to reset your forgotten administrator password by creating a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install it from and run the program on a unlocked computer. Step 2: Burn a bootable CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive with the program. Step 3: Reset Windows password by the burned CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive.

0 votes
answered by (280 points)

I had forgotten my computer password some times. Compare to many password recovery methods. I think the following method is the best and eaziest. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) third party recovery tool. Google third party password recovery tool or Windows Password Unlocker.

0 votes
answered by (280 points)

Try to reset your forgotten dell password with Windows Password Key 8.0:

0 votes
answered by

I recommend an efficient way to solve your problem-Windows Password Key.Here is how to use it: Step 1: Download and install Windows Password Key in another accessible PC. Step 2: Run the downloaded file to install Windows Password Key Standard. You can install it on any PC you have access to. Step 3: Windows Start menu - From your Microsoft Windows Start Programs menu, select Windows Password Key Standard. It will be launched automatically. Step4: Using a Windows Password Key bootable CD/DVD to reset Windows password or using a Windows Password Key bootable USB Flash Drive to reset windows password. If you're confused about using it please visit

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