answered by anonymous
Settings -> Notifications -> Enable 'Use system sounds' -> Notification sound set to 'Silent.

Turn off your system sounds via control panel. Only a few steps.

answered by Aggie
How to disable outgoing noisy alert in viber on iphone? As i can see there is no option for that? Any solution for this error ?

answered by anonymous
... and I am STILL getting the sound notifications which is very annoying ... ENABLE 'Use System Sounds' but under 'Notification sound' set it to silent ...

answered by anonymous
Android Galaxy S3 - Disabled 'Use System Sounds' in fact disabled everything. Still getting a sound notification with incoming messages. I just want the icon to appear.

answered by anonymous
Viber mirrors your device's notification settings.
iPhone users:
Turning incoming message sounds ... via notification center:
Setting> Notifications> Viber> turn "Sounds" off.
Good luck!

To turn off the incoming message sounds go to Settings > notifications and disable Use System Sounds. You can also disable Outgoing message sounds from the same screen.