answered by John Prakash
Error 498 is an error related to ...

answered by lyani
Are you all sure your not out of credit? 498 started when I lost my credit so im guessing it was the problem.

answered by anonymous
Its been doing it for 3 weeks error 24 when I try to download Facebook app on my android how do I fix it?

answered by anonymous
... who are wondering why the 498 error pops up on their ...

answered by anonymous
this should solve the problem extend your memory by buying an sd card this is the first solution and the easy one >>>>> the other solution Just use another store I used myself mobo market >>> ...

answered by anonymous
i have samung galaxy note 3 and i m having problem downloading watsapp it is saying sms verification failed
plz help me out

answered by anonymous
This really a comment, so do not think i have an answer.
Same thing happens to me, but the diffrence is i cant do it ever.
Ive tried for three or more months bu tit never worked. Why!!!???

answered by anonymous
Just go settings. application manager. play store. unninstall updates. exit and it will work

answered by anonymous
I bougth my daughter. Samsung tab3 now she can not download games no moor what can I too

answered by anonymous
Lots of different answers here. Clear cache daily using an app for it also wait a few seconds then try install again. If this doesn't help then deleting data on the play store might instead of ...

answered by anonymous
Error "(498)" can be caused as a result ...

answered by anonymous
... not starting issue , same error 498 :/
I tried stopping a certain service like ...

answered by anonymous
If you get a micro sd chip it should work

answered by anonymous
... I'm also receiving the error message 498. I've downloaded
Other hidden object ... only ones I found, regarding the 498 message. Most sound helpful.

answered by anonymous
Hello.. I had the same problem on Samsung Galaxy Q, aparently the cache is only 21 MB and Google Play won't install larger apps, no matter how big is the actual free storage area. The Cache Fixer ...

answered by anonymous
try cache fixer from Google play and move the cache.this will fix the problem....

answered by anonymous
I had the same problem, and here is what I did:
Download Cache Fixer
up the space to the maximum.
3 Click the "Move to cache" button to move your cache memory and then get pissed off when it ...

answered by anonymous
Ive tried downloading from ie that works fine then if it was samsung cache issue it would have not allowed to download any thing. I am trying to download a 6mb file n its failing

answered by anonymous
none of these solutions help - I think the phone is fucked and you should just throw it out, iphones seem to be taking over and its retarded..... I deleted everything in my phone to start from scratch ...

answered by anonymous
Cache fixer works on EVO 4g like a charm and yes you have to get a download of Google play off web if you delete it that trick doesn't seem to work if you are rooted

answered by anonymous
Cache Fixer helped me. Have Samsung Galaxy S and couldn't download almost anything, now everything works like a charm.

answered by anonymous
I've gotten this error for a couple of apps. The solution seems to be:
Keep trying. It seems to download part of the app before stopping with the error, and starting again picks back up where ...

answered by anonymous
... downloaded due to an error (498 i have deleted all of my ...

answered by anonymous
I just did what you suggested with my phone and all it did was reboot my phone..ill try again maybe i did it wrong

answered by anonymous
Try this: (Do it on your own risk)
Press & Hold The Power Button & Volume Up Button Simultaneously & wait until it reboots but continue to hold the buttons until the "Galaxy Tab 2 7.0" Logo ...

answered by anonymous
I just got a tablet samsung galixy tab 1 and get error 498when i download some apps yet have no problem putting the same app on my phone could this be cuz i dont have a sim card or monthly plan on my ...

answered by anonymous
ok, can we get better answers. it isn't the cashe file size, nothing is going through. no apps of any size nor updates... only one person said delete google play... but the guy that did it wasn't ...

answered by anonymous
... was able to download; error 498 went away. Good luck to ...

answered by anonymous
Its not working
error 498 how to fix it?
I am using samsung galaxy tab 1
version 2.2

answered by anonymous
... galaxy 1)but i get the error 498 to,but the same apps ...

answered by anonymous
I get the same error (498) when i try to download skype i have indroid

answered by anonymous
... same problem with N.O.V.A 3, and the 498 occured because I had too little ...

answered by anonymous
... reinstall. It gave me the 498 error. What does the 35 ...

Thanks for writing in. It looks like the apps you're trying to download is 38.2M and 35.5M, which is larger than your device's cache partition. Your device is unable to download apps on Google Play ...

answered by anonymous
My cache is 170 mb with 159 available. I don't think cache size is the issue. Help!

answered by anonymous
Google store has a problem with downloading large apps. Even updating large ones like angry birds that you already have installed. Try downloading the Amazon marketplace instead. I've found all the ...

answered by anonymous
I've already had angry birds on my Samsung dart so i know it can't be the whole it lo large of a file to download. Something else has to be happening and there just to lazy to fix it.

answered by anonymous
I went to my apps and cleared my cache on a few games, worked for me, maybe not everyone idk but may be worth a try

answered by anonymous
As mentioned in thread below,uninstall google playstore. This will take you back to android store.
Download the app from here. Error 498 is google playstore error.

answered by anonymous
Same problem with one of the first Samsung Galaxy Tab,(not updated, still Android 2.2). Workaround:
Deinstall Google Play. The Android Market is back on your device.
Download the App you wish, ...

answered by anonymous
I doubt you have total less than 40 mb of space, 'cache' or not.
Download an app called Cache Fixer. It'll let you download and install things bigger than the supposed limit for your device.
You just ...

If you received that error during downloading then I can say it is a Google error which means that there is nothing with your device. It was most likely that Google servers from which you were trying ...