Trying to download applications using Google Play but it keeps displaying error 498.

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Trying to download a game using Google Play and it keeps popping up a message saying "error code 498". What does that mean?

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I get the same error (498 ) when I try to download Angry Birds Star Wars and Angry Birds Space. I have a Samsung Galaxy S. I contacted the Google Play store or whatever it's called. Their response was this:

Thanks for writing in. It looks like the apps you're trying to download is 38.2M and 35.5M, which is larger than your device's cache partition. Your device is unable to download apps on Google Play that are larger than the cache partition even though you may have enough internal storage space available. Any app larger than 20-25M is too big for certain devices, namely Samsung devices, to download at one time.

It's very disappointing. I hope they come up with some way around it.

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I JUST TRIED TO TALK TO SOMEONE AT SAMSUNG ABOUT THIS PROBLEM, AND THE GUY WAS A TOTAL JERK. told me that it wasn't their problem. i asked him to read this page, sent him a link to it and he wouldn't even open it. said he's not allowed. i asked him to forward our issues to a supervisor and he told me that he doesn't have one. i kept a copy of our conversation. i gave him a terrible rating on the online survey but i doubt it will do any good.

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So I have LG Opitmus Slider from Virgin Mobile & I'm having this problem too. & I've already done the whole uninstall updates & reinstall stuff. It worked for a couple updates I needed, but now I'm trying to download Instagram (I've had it on my phone before. But deleted for various reasons.) & Its giving me the Error 498 popup. Please help me? :(

commented by (100 points)
I am too confused about it. Perhaps, if you know can you say me how to download "Tarzan for pc".
commented by (100 points)
Can anyone help me with this matter? :-(

42 Answers

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I've gotten this error for a couple of apps. The solution seems to be:

  1. Keep trying. It seems to download part of the app before stopping with the error, and starting again picks back up where you left off.
  2. When it's time to upgrade, don't get a Samsung again. Especially if, as above, the support is going to be a PITA about fixing it.
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Cache Fixer helped me. Have Samsung Galaxy S and couldn't download almost anything, now everything works like a charm.

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Cache fixer works on EVO 4g like a charm and yes you have to get a download of Google play off web if you delete it that trick doesn't seem to work if you are rooted

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none of these solutions help - I think the phone is ** and you should just throw it out, iphones seem to be taking over and its retarded..... I deleted everything in my phone to start from scratch and I can install all but the one game I want - it has been in my phone since I got it so there should be no issue, even when I download other app stores it still has the same error so its not just a google play malfunction

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Ive tried downloading from ie that works fine then if it was samsung cache issue it would have not allowed to download any thing. I am trying to download a 6mb file n its failing

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I had the same problem, and here is what I did:

  1. Download Cache Fixer
  2. up the space to the maximum. 3 Click the "Move to cache" button to move your cache memory and then get pissed off when it gives you the "unable to move cache" error. 4)Unisntall google play and try to download your ap from the android market before google play tries to reinstall or resync. 5)Get ragingly pissed when the game won't download and you are unable to reinstall google play and half the aps that you already had on your phone now start to not work. 6)Remove the back of your phone. Insert 4 M-80's in each corner. Secure tightly with duct tape. Put phone cover back on, (use duct tape to secure this as well as the bulge from the M-80's will prevent the back from "locking" into place.
  3. Take a can of lighter fluid and EVENLY spread over phone until you achieve an even coating.
  4. Place phone on ground in your driveway. 9)Light up a ciggarette. Smoke until about halfway finished.
  5. Toss that bad boy anywhere near reasonable proximity to your phone, and enjoy the show. 11)Extinguish flames with your car tires by running it over in an even repetative motion.
  6. Toss the remaining pieces in a bucket of water.
  7. Call your phone provider and tell them aliens stole yer pickup and your phone was in it.
  8. Go to the store, pay your deductible, get a new phone. Make sure THIS time, it's not a Samsung. I KNOW IT'S ALOT OF STEPS, but it worked for me and seemed to be the most rational trouble shooting solution.
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try cache fixer from Google play and move the cache.this will fix the problem....

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Hello.. I had the same problem on Samsung Galaxy Q, aparently the cache is only 21 MB and Google Play won't install larger apps, no matter how big is the actual free storage area. The Cache Fixer doesn't work on this device either. I found out that this problem is "attached" to google play only. So the solution is to either find directly the APK file of the app/game you wanna install somewhere, download it (e.g. with Easy Downloader) and then install manually. Or find another store outside Google play (Aptoide worked for me, I wanted the game Ikariam) and use that to download and install your game. Good Luck...

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I have an LG Touch, and I'm also receiving the error message 498. I've downloaded Other hidden object games, however, this is the first time I've rceived this message. Tried to contact Big Fish and they referred me to Google play. The above responses, were the only ones I found, regarding the 498 message. Most sound helpful.

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If you get a micro sd chip it should work

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