I want to take 15 images per second with IC Capture.

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asked by about IC Capture
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I want to take image sequences with IC Capture. In Sequence window I put 1 second and it takes one image per second. I want to take more images (like 15 images) per second. I typed 15.0 in the FPS (frame per second) field, but it didn't change anything. Can you help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

Open the Sequence window, click the Automated Sequence tab and in the Interval fields add 0 minutes and 0 seconds. As you can see in the note provided by the developer, an interval of 0 seconds (will tray) to save all frames. In this case it will try to save 15 frames/sequences.

Sequence window: enter image description here

If it doesn't work, I suggest you try another similar utility from Software Informer database.

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