Go to Start, type cmd in the "Search programs and files" field and open the utility using Administrator rights. Type ipconfig /all and press the Enter key. Copy the IP address next to the Default Gateway in your web browser address bar and hit Enter again. If your modem security settings are not configured, enter admin as Username and password or admin as Password to open the modem’s configuration page. If it doesn't work, contact your Internet Service Provider and ask for the username and password.
After you log in to the configuration page, look for the Port Forwarding section (check Applications, Gaming, Virtual Servers or Advanced Settings tabs) and select a pre-configured option from the drop-down list. If the Gallant Point of Sale application is not listed, press the option which allows you to create a custom port forwarding entry. Type a name for the entry, select the TCP/UPD option as service/protocol type and enter the port number you want to use. If you're using only one port, type the same port number in both Port Start and Port End fields. After that, enter your IP address and click the Save/Apply button.
Alternatively, in order to access Gallant Point of Sale remotely, you can download and install TeamViewer. TeamViewer is a free application that allows you access a computer over the network.