OVT Scanner for Windows 7.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about OVT Scanner X86
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I'm waiting for Windows 7 update. Any news?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

They are working on Service Pack 1 with patches.Not all drivers and programs work seamly on Vista and Seven

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

we tried to use the ovt scanner on windows 7 and all we could get were black slides, it turned out that it won't work with windows 7 at all, so a work around is to create a XP mode on your windows 7 machine, and install the software on the virutal PC. Its free to do as long as you have legit copy of windows 7. I'm running windows 7 64 bit and it worked for us so it should be good for anyone whether you are running 86 or 64 bit windows 7. here is the link to download the xpmode from mircosoft. good luck! :)


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No avatar answered by (132k points)

You can find the driver using the second link from Google search engine. The driver is fully compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 on both 32 and 64-bit architecture. Navigate to Spectare website, click the orange Install the driver button and follow the on-screen instructions.

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More related to Windows 10 (64 bit but also relevant to 32 bit) - might help someone because I think quite a lot of this is applicable to other similar devices. Friend had an old (over 10 years old and unused!) Omnivision OVT (550) slide/negative scanner and wanted to use it on a Windows 10 64 bit machine. Not much out there to help with this and generally the answers were of the "give up now" type. However:- There were drivers on the CD (also on MS Catalogue) for both 32 and 64 bit and the CD also had old (no longer maintained) Arcsoft PhotoImpressions 6 software. The drivers are really for Vista (although the MS Catalogue makes claims for them being up to and beyond Windows 8). Not sure how much of what follows is absolutely necessary but it does work. Don't plug the scanner in yet. 64 bit driver folder has a SETUP.EXE file which I changed to Vista compatibility mode and then ran it. It installed fine and it is essential to reboot at that point. Plugging in the device gave OVT Scanner in Device Manager with no problems listed. I think (think) that you need a USB 2 port (USB 3 may be an issue and if you have USB 2 ports in different places on the computer it is worth trying more than one if you have problems). Change the SETUP.EXE file for PhotoImpressions to Vista compatibility mode and run it. It installed fine - do not run it at this point. Reboot. Go to the Arcsoft folder in Program Files (X86) and in the PhotoImpressions folder order by type and change all the *.EXE files to Vista compatibility mode. At this point you can acquire images (slides/negatives) from the scanner with no problems.

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