I think that Windows Defender is a good program, but I have some viruses on my system that it can't remove. It is saying that it removed all of them, but it didn't. What can I do?
because some viruses are hard in get off the computer try avg or avast
because some viruses are hard in get off the computer try nod32........ :)
Did you do a full system scan with your Windows Defender??? If not then do it, it will finally detect it.
mmmm.....some viruses are hard in get off the computer try Microsoft Sercurity Essintail or Microsoft ForeFront Client......... :D
In order to fix the issue, I suggest you update the program. You can do it through Windows Update or from the drop-down list next to Help menu. If it doesn't help, you can try other security programs from Software Informer database. Personally, I recommend you try Avira Free Antivirus, Kaspersky, AVG or Norton AntiVirus.