Phone explorer: same, as yet, unanswered question: why do the rest of the applications recognise the phone as connected but not Explorer

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Samsung PC Studio

Phone explorer: same, as yet, unanswered question: why do the rest of the applications recognise the phone as connected but not Explorer

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (160 points)

Have you try updating the program? I connect via Blue tooth and it works fine. I have the T-439, on Windows XP home SP3.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Hey Ingrid ... I had the same problem on my new J210.I have a fix for it.Follow the following...

1.Switch off the phone. 2.Detach the USB Cable from the phone 3.Detach the USB Cable from the PC 4.Hook the Cable to PC 5.Hook the cable to phone 6.Switch on the mobile

IT WORKS....!!! ;)

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