Epson Stylus Office BX525WD isn't recognized by Windows 8

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Hi, I have just connected my Epson (model as above) to my HP Pavillion but I am unable to find the printer when I needed to print a document. I tried to set up an advanced printer but my model wasn't shown on the list. Can you help as to find a driver? I did try Epson site but they don't show my model either.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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Before you can use the printer, drivers must be installed on the computer where the printer is attached to. Please navigate to the download page for this printer and download the driver. Make sure to select the proper version of Windows 8 (32 or 64-bit) before downloading. The driver will be located on the Driver tab. Download the drivers, install them (with the printer plugged out from the USB port), attach the printer and the operating system will install it. Once the process completes, you can use the printer for your job.

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