I know the password but I forget security question. Can you help me?

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I know the password but I forget security question. Can you help me?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Try to contact Yahoo Live Support because they will provide the security questions to you when you access them. This is a good way to remember security questions when you have forgot them.

asked Feb 14, 2014
edited Feb 6, 2015 by
I can't reset my Yahoo password.
0 votes
answered by

This is now a very generic issue, hundreds of users are unable to access their accounts due to this. You can check yahoo customer support facebook page to see customer complaints, how ever yahoo have not responded to any complaints. May be this is a bug which yahoo is unable to figure out

asked May 13, 2014 by (120 points)
edited May 30, 2014 by
We cannot sign into our Yahoo mail.
0 votes
answered by (220 points)

Just Dial 1-888-551-2881 for yahoo live Support helpline to recover your yahoo account

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hi all, i know my username password but nwo a days its asking me for security questions and i really forgot it. please help me and above number i tried and not getting response. Please please help me

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