I have locked some files using Folder Lock but now it doesn't unlock it with the same password.How could I get back my hidden files?

+5 votes
asked by about Folder Lock
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8 Answers

+2 votes
answered (8.1k points)

asked Jun 25, 2013
edited Jul 4, 2013 by
How to retrieve my hidden folder?
+1 vote
answered (7.9k points)

0 votes
answered by (264k points)
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0 votes
answered by

commented by (100 points)
thanks alot dear u r super genious i really thankfull to u
0 votes
answered by

asked Mar 27, 2014 by (120 points)
edited Feb 3, 2015 by
Using Sabayon to retrieve locked Folder Protect files.
0 votes
answered by

0 votes
No avatar answered by (260 points)
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–1 vote
No avatar answered by (170 points)

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