Defrag & Shutdown

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I would like to do the following under Windows 7 x64 Ultimate: CheckDisk disks C, D etc., defrag disks C, D etc., Shutdown/Start should be fulfilled from a command line. Is it possible?

1 Answer

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answered by (100k points)
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You can use the following commands for the operations you have requested. First open a command prompt with elevated access (as Administrator): Start > type cmd****> Wait for a list to fill, right click Command Prompt and Run as Administrator. Once the window opens you can use:

  1. defrag.exe - To defragment drives
  2. chkdsk.exe - To check disks for errors
  3. shutdown.exe - To restart, suspend, shutdown PCs.

Once you run these commands particularly, a help will guide you on which options you can use the command with for every drive and operation aside.

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