I need to optimize my Mac but there is no room to download a program. How to defrag a Mac?

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asked by (220 points)
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commented by (240 points)

There are several ways to clean up your Mac:

  1. Sort all files by size and delete old large files.
  2. Use third-party software for cleanup. For example, I recently used the iMyMac Mac Cleaner software.
  3. Empty your trash can
  4. Uninstall the application you are not using
  5. Clean up huge iTunes backups for iPhone or iPad
  6. Clear temporary files
  7. Find and delete duplicate files
  8. Delete language files
  9. Clean up large attachments in Mac Mail
  10. Clean up the download folder
  11. Use the storage tools in macOS High Sierra

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (100k points)
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The operating system used on Macs is developed in such way that it eliminates the need for a defragmentation unlike in Windows environment. OS X is developed to write files in one go and because of that the defragment operation is eliminated from the discussion.

Also, if you want a solution for cleaning the space, unnecessary files, temporary files, installation data, etc, then you can use a program like CleanMyMac which carefully analyzes the drive and eliminates the files you don't need thus freeing up the space in a simple way.

commented by (220 points)
when I try downloading any program I get an error messages saying 'there is not enuf room on my disk'..??
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No need to worry, this type of error comes when hdd get affected from infections or the spaces consumed by the duplicate or junk files. to get rid of it you need to defrag your mac machine. defraging your mac will improve your mac performance and make so many spaces(rooms) in hdd. you will have to use a great utility tool such as, tidy up mac tool to defrag your mac. http://www.tidyupformac.net/improvemac-performance.php

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