Trying to download applications using Google Play but it keeps displaying error 498.

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Trying to download a game using Google Play and it keeps popping up a message saying "error code 498". What does that mean?

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Hi, this happens to me too. and for two days now. Is there anything we can do about it?

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I get the same error (498 ) when I try to download Angry Birds Star Wars and Angry Birds Space. I have a Samsung Galaxy S. I contacted the Google Play store or whatever it's called. Their response was this:

Thanks for writing in. It looks like the apps you're trying to download is 38.2M and 35.5M, which is larger than your device's cache partition. Your device is unable to download apps on Google Play that are larger than the cache partition even though you may have enough internal storage space available. Any app larger than 20-25M is too big for certain devices, namely Samsung devices, to download at one time.

It's very disappointing. I hope they come up with some way around it.

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I JUST TRIED TO TALK TO SOMEONE AT SAMSUNG ABOUT THIS PROBLEM, AND THE GUY WAS A TOTAL JERK. told me that it wasn't their problem. i asked him to read this page, sent him a link to it and he wouldn't even open it. said he's not allowed. i asked him to forward our issues to a supervisor and he told me that he doesn't have one. i kept a copy of our conversation. i gave him a terrible rating on the online survey but i doubt it will do any good.

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So I have LG Opitmus Slider from Virgin Mobile & I'm having this problem too. & I've already done the whole uninstall updates & reinstall stuff. It worked for a couple updates I needed, but now I'm trying to download Instagram (I've had it on my phone before. But deleted for various reasons.) & Its giving me the Error 498 popup. Please help me? :(

commented by (100 points)
I am too confused about it. Perhaps, if you know can you say me how to download "Tarzan for pc".
commented by (100 points)
Can anyone help me with this matter? :-(

42 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)
edited by

If you received that error during downloading then I can say it is a Google error which means that there is nothing with your device. It was most likely that Google servers from which you were trying to download the app were in maintenance as this error is related to connection problem on the server side. Just wait a few more minutes and try again.

asked Sep 5, 2013
edited Nov 22, 2013 by
Problem with downloading Blitz Brigade.
commented by (100 points)
I have a samsung galaxy Q and it still not working that error keeps coming up error 498 it been 2 days and still not working i tryed everything so can anyone help me
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I doubt you have total less than 40 mb of space, 'cache' or not. Download an app called Cache Fixer. It'll let you download and install things bigger than the supposed limit for your device. You just have to reinitialize it every time you reboot and want a new big app. Give it a try, it worked for me.

commented by (100 points)
Downloading Cache Fixer fixed me problem and I was able to download the game after trying for 3 days.

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Same problem with one of the first Samsung Galaxy Tab,(not updated, still Android 2.2). Workaround:

  1. Deinstall Google Play. The Android Market is back on your device.
  2. Download the App you wish, using Android Market.

Google Play will be re-installed automatically. But if this happens before the installation process of the downloaded App has finished, it won't work. In this case, try this:

  1. Deinstall Google Play. The Android Market is back on your device.
  2. Download the App you wish, using Android Market.
  3. When Download has started immediately switch off automatic syncronisation of background data in settings.

Then it will work. I have to repeat this procedure with any new version of larger Apps (Angry Birds, Xelorians etc.). As usual no one seems to be responsible for that ****.


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As mentioned in thread below,uninstall google playstore. This will take you back to android store. Download the app from here. Error 498 is google playstore error.

commented by (120 points)
How do I remove the installed google playstore from my proscan, I very new at working this tablet. My nephew put it on my proscan tablet  and I truly can receive nothing not even any music.
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I went to my apps and cleared my cache on a few games, worked for me, maybe not everyone idk but may be worth a try

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I've already had angry birds on my Samsung dart so i know it can't be the whole it lo large of a file to download. Something else has to be happening and there just to lazy to fix it.

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Google store has a problem with downloading large apps. Even updating large ones like angry birds that you already have installed. Try downloading the Amazon marketplace instead. I've found all the same apps there and no download problems.

commented by (120 points)
I tried to retrieve some games on my proscan tablet thru amazon and nothing is working.
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My cache is 170 mb with 159 available. I don't think cache size is the issue. Help!

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answered by (140 points)

Thanks for writing in. It looks like the apps you're trying to download is 38.2M and 35.5M, which is larger than your device's cache partition. Your device is unable to download apps on Google Play that are larger than the cache partition even though you may have enough internal storage space available. Any app larger than 20-25M is too big for certain devices, namely Samsung devices, to download at one time.

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I just installed the finding nemo building coral reefs game. It played fine, then uninstalled it and tried to reinstall. It gave me the 498 error. What does the 35.5M have to do with that? I'm kind of a tech tard... but now all games are giving me that error even after uninstalling old apps that were just taking up space. I don't think its my phone because it initially had no issue installing finding nemo.

asked May 28, 2014
edited Sep 10, 2014 by
Error while downloading updates.

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