Hotsync is not working.

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asked by about Palm™ Desktop by ACCESS
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I lost the ability to perform hotsync on Windows 7. I have Palm Zire72 handheld/desktop by ACCESS 6.2.2 and Hotsync Mgr 7.0.2 installed. Not sure I should reinstall Desktop which apparently includes Hotsync.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Syncing problems are usually caused by the drivers and the improper connections for the software you're using. Before reinstalling the software, go to the program's connectivity options and check to see if everything is set up properly.

Secondly, go to Device Manager (Windows + R > devmgmt.msc) and check the list. All the devices should be installer properly. That means no yellow or red exclamation/X mark should be found on the list.

Alternatively, reinstall Palm Desktop by ACCESS and reconfigure the devices as well as the connections.

commented by (100 points)

Sorry for my delay in thanking you for taking the time to respond to my inquiry.  I did proceed as you suggested and reinstalled Desktop by ACCESS since I could not find anything related to the Hotsync program itself (or the USB), which, I believe is part of Desktop.  It worked. Thank you very much!  Eric
0 votes
answered by

Thank you so much for responding. I will do as suggested. Could there be a conflict between my Zire 72 and the Sync program? I noticed that the Zire PA shows HotSync v 5.0P whereas the HotSync Manager is 7.0.2?

I could not find a link to a separate HotSync Mgr 5.0


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