Downloading zyGrib on the Airbook.

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asked by about zyGrib
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I have downloaded zyGrib with success on my Mac, but I tried on Mac Airbook and the installation was unsuccessful. I can't see the map in the background and cannot choose an area to download. A friend tried also on his Airbook and have the same problem.

Can you help?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

It might be possible that your Macbook to run a different version of the OSX. It's known that Mac apps don't run the same as the Windows ones, meaning that sometimes you need to redevelop the app to run on newer versions of OSX.

I believe this is the case in your situation. Use the following link to access the latest versions. If your Macbook is running an older version then you have to compile it, and the Air should use the DMG file.

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