I want to convert JPG files to pes files so I can use them on an embroidery machine.
A PES file is basically a bitmap image and the easiest way to convert them is to simply convert your JPEG image to BMP then change it's extension because headers will still provide all the necessary data. If you find this approach difficult then you could use JPG/JPEG Photo Converter as it has the ability to convert JPG images to PES file format. Add your image, choose .PES as File Type and that's it.
that site has a infected virus warning on it.
i didnt find any virus, but it did not convert a jpeg to a usable pes
Renaming file extention as .pes does not work
PES is an embroidery ext. it contains info that tells your machine how to embroider the pic. You cannot just convert the pic, it has to be digitized before you will be able to embroider it. There is no quick and easy way.