Transferring the license.

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asked by about Absolute Media Library
edited by

I would like to transfer my license for Absolute Media Library ver. 2.1 to a new computer, but I do not know the License Key. It has been quite a while since I installed this program and I have an extensive database. I really like this program and don't want to give it up. Can you please help me get this key so I can move this program and data base to my new computer. Also, how do I transfer my database from a Windows 7 PC with Office 2010 to Windows 10 with Office 2016?

Thanks, Terry MacAskill

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

There is an application called Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder that allows you to list all the product keys installed in your computer. You can download it from the link posted below. I've just used the tool and it displayed all the available serial keys installed. In its free mode, the software will show you exactly what you have, but the Pro version might give you serial keys for other products as well.

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