How to change mmol/L to mg/dL?

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asked by about CoPilot Health Management System

Using Freedom Lite meter which show testing range in mg/dL. Unable to manually input reading of mg/dL such as 108. Keep getting error that mmol/L will only go up to 55. No idea what numbering system it is. Syncing meter with software ver 4.2 is no help.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

I think the measurement used in the program depends on the version. The manual says it can't be changed. USA and some other countries use mg/dl. The international version of the software will be in International measurement which is mmol/L. I hope that helps.

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answered by

conversion of mmol/l to mg/dl for glucose mmol/l to mg/dl = mmol/l x 18 used online tools = visit

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