Opening a PPTX file.

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asked by (160 points) about PowerPoint
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I have saved the presentation as the format .pptx in PowerPoint. When I try to reopen it, I receive this error: the file content can not be read. What .pptx viewer is needed for damaged files?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (620 points)
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Best answer

Hello, This problem occurs because the PowerPoint presentation is corrupted or has been damaged.To correct this problem, try to open the PowerPoint presentation in an earlier version of PowerPoint. Also you can view you presentation here:


commented by (160 points)
Thanks for assistance, this app works!
0 votes
No avatar answered by (309k points)
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PPTX files shouldn't appear as being corrupted once they're saved. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and then go to File > Open and select your file from the list. You should have the possibility to open it this way. There are many apps on the market that pretend to fix these files, but they're very expensive and not reliable at all, that's why I recommend using PowerPoint to open it. This could also be a simple error that can be fixed by restarting PowerPoint.

commented by (160 points)
I want to say thank you for taking the time to share how to solve my problem. But i still getting the error

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