That is interesting because there seems to be about 10 ads on the page so I discover the only viable link in the first image:

it brings me to this page here which has more ads:

that brings me to HP page which has no viable links to the particular old version of software at all here in the third printscreen image:

that all tells me that my first and only experience with this site is nothing but another advertisement ploy on the web to get ad views. Which is all really disappointing because this was the only place that I could find anything referring to this old software for download and you claim to be able to provide it. I have been provided with nothing but ads and links that lead me to no place useful of my search. Is there a link someplace that I am somehow missing?
I would be willing to think that your client is full of browser add-ons and ads too now.
Feel free to correct me if i am wrong. .
If you are able to find a real link to an actual host of this original and specific old version of software i would be highly appreciative. So far all I got was a link to the publishers which i had already searched who have made this oldversion obsolete thus creating a use for the concept of your website. It would be really helpful if your website did what it claimed in this particular instance.
I mean, i know servers aren't free but, why claim access to something that is not available from your website?