I purchased Legacy 7.0 Deluxe several years ago and no longer have it on my same computer. Please tell me how can I reinstall it.
The software has been updated and now it shows version 8. This means the previous version won't be available for downloading unless the developer will offer you a link to re-download it, which I doubt he will do, but it's worth to ask him.
Meanwhile, it's quite possible that you will have the possibility to load the previous content on the new software, therefore reach the following page to download it: http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/
You can contact the developers: http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/Contact.asp
Get in touch with Legacy and they will advice you what to do. In future install a folder on your desktop, call it "Internet downloads" and save every apps. in there. And make a backup on an external harddrive. In the mean time my Legacy is number 8.