No resource exists for my 2 in 1 TrekStor SurfTab Wintron 10.1 pure INSYDE-bios.

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asked by about UEFI Secure Boot Checkup -
edited by

System BIOS Insyde TrekStor W101HOBNR 0A 01/29/2015

No BIOS-Datafile available. No BIOS-Flashprogram available.

The existing BIOS is not accessible. The Trekstore Support is not competent enough.

This is of course not your matter but Trekstor does use the INSYDE Name without providing one minimum of the necessary quality of services.

Thanks a lot in advance for some usable Information.

With regards, one very frustrated Trekstore user.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Based on my experience, I can say that not all devices have BIOS sections accessible by user and in most of the cases, if you create a USB drive with the necessary files, the tablet should recognize it and load the files without user interaction. I believe this is the case for you as well. Unfortunately, I didn't find a BIOS file or reference on how to access the BIOS for your device. Google displays some results, but they're weird and can't be used for this situation.

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