I have a connection problem with AP2100 router.

+1 vote
asked by (130 points)
edited by

I have Windows 7 and I am trying to connect to my Dlink DWL-2100AP. I entered IP address on my PC as ( subnetmask as ( and default gateway as (,but I am not able to connect to the device when I enter Also note that at bottom,I have a yellow triangle at my connection status.

Could you advise, please?

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered by (100k points)

What you need to do first is to factory reset your router. Unplug all the cables and leave only the AC plugged-in. In order to perform a factory reset follow these steps:

  1. Locate the reset pinhole in the back of the router.
  2. Press and hold the reset button for about ~20 seconds and let it reset
  3. Plug the network cable in the back of the computer and the in the 1st port of the router (not WAN)
  4. Wait for the PC to get the ip address
  5. Go to Start > CMD > type "ipconfig|findstr Gateway" and copy the IP it gives you
  6. Type that IP into the browser and configure your router from the beginning.
  7. While the CMD is open type : netsh firewall set opmode disable to disable your firewall and when it's done use enable instead of disable

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