How to change resume capability from "No" to "Yes" in IDM?

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10 Answers

+1 vote
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First of all you need to go to SSL Secure Proxy and then you have to type the web address in the box provided at the upright bottom of the page and after this is done, you are ready to resume download with idm. Once this is done you can see that the idm speed has gone much better & is fast and resume capability also becomes yes. It works 100%.

commented by (100 points)
you are a genius.....
you rockkk..
commented by (100 points)
I tried it bit it says it the site is malacious and furthermore the download does not even start in the site
asked Feb 27, 2014
edited Feb 28, 2014 by
How to add Internet Download Manager to Web Freer?
commented by (100 points) are great...thanks yar...:)
+1 vote
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the problem is when I am trying it to download it from a same link, resume capabiltiy is yes with IDM in one computer and it is no in the other computer? why is that?

+1 vote
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  1. Open the same file in the browser, click to download it again. When the dialogue window appear select to download it later. (Check to ensure that the file must have the same file size and from the same link/server).
  2. Open IDM manager window and double click the file you have selected to download later.
  3. Select the full address field and press ctrl+c to copy to the clipboard.
  4. Now, double click the file which has not been resuming and paste the address there which you had copied earlier in the address field and then press ok.
  5. In the IDM manager window click the file and press resume. 90% of the resuming problems has been resolved by this little tip and trick.


asked Apr 17, 2013
edited Apr 18, 2013 by
Still having problem sir. This is still not working!
commented by
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There is unknown resume capability in download see the photo enter image description here

mail me @

0 votes
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I just want to share how to change resume capability "No" becoming resume capability "Yes" when you download a file via Internet Download Manager. Just click properties on your download list and erase "?start=0" at the end of your link address, then resume it, and... Bingo! Now, the resume capability becomes "Yes" ^_^

commented by (100 points)
anonymous you made my day. In the sea of different answers, your was the one which clicked for me. I find it awesome
thnx dude
0 votes
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it showing :-

Your IP address is not valid for this link


0 votes
No avatar answered by (140 points)

there is also one solution i have tried.double click on file you want to change resume capability then go to its address. if address shows at end "start=0" then delete it till extension part. ex


after delete


and press OK . it change its resume ca[ability. but it works sometimes.

0 votes
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Great Instructions I am grateful to you. You are genius. Thanks a lot.

0 votes
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Try exiting IDM, and reopening it again! it works for me!

commented by (100 points)
Thanks, work for me XD
0 votes
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mine theres no ?Start=0 in my properties of IDM but the resume capability is "No"

–1 vote
answered by (100k points)
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Resume capability is a variable given by a website you are downloading from. The download manager decodes the value and shows it on screen. In cases when resume capability is set to "No" it means that the web server (apache, nginix, lighttpd) has a variable set to "No" when it comes to resume downloads. There isn’t pretty much you can do about it but wait for a download to complete (no matter which site you use), you should let it download 100 % without interruption.

commented by (100 points)
can you tell me how to set web server for resume capability??

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