SimplePass - Do I need to uninstall (remove) before reinstalling?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about HP SimplePass
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I have had SimplePass 2011 and used it successfully from the beginning, until this year it started populating site addresses I've never visited with unknown email addresses as the passwords, and not allowing me to update passwords while logging in to some sites.

I have given up on trying to continue with it, and have been allowing browsers to store passwords. That's a security risk when more than one user enters a site to which I have a password. (That user is a nuisance!)

I have downloaded SimplePass for Windows 7. It's sitting in the Download folder until I know whether I should uninstall the existing app myself? Or will running the download automatically uninstall the previous app?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Theoretically, there is no need to uninstall the application in order to re-install it since most apps will do that when you launch the main installer. However, to have a better functionality, I recommend backing up the contents and then re-install the application just to be sure you're using something fresh without bugs and errors.

Secondly, I would like to recommend another service that I have been using it for years. It's called LastPass and it's available for every platform you could think of.


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