What kind of audio can Quicktime play?
You can check for all the QuickTime supported file formats using the page provided by Apple developers. Access the page using the following URL: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201290
Audio file supported:
iTunes Audio (.m4a, .m4b, .m4p) MP3 Core Audio (.caf) AIFF AU SD2 WAV SND AMR
AAC (MPEG-4 Audio) HE-AAC Apple Lossless MP3 AMR Narrowband MS ADPCM QDesign Music 2 Qualcomm PureVoice (QCELP) IMA 4:1 MACE 3:1 (Mac OS X v10.6.x only) MACE 6:1 (Mac OS X v10.6.x only) ALaw 2:1 ULaw 2:1 24-Bit Integer 32-Bit Integer 32-Bit Floating Point 64-Bit Floating Point