Firstly, in order to fix the problem, I recommend you uninstall the drivers of the CD/DVD drive and then install them again. Right-click the Computer/My Computer icon, select Manage and open Device Manager. Expand the Disk Drives list, right-click on its icon and select Uninstall. Reboot the computer, press Scan for hardware changes icon from Device Manager and wait for Windows to retrieve the drivers. If the issue persists, go to Start, type dxdiag and open the utility. Navigate to HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Class > {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and delete the UpperFilters and LowerFilters from the right pane. Also, try running the Fix It utility provided by Microsoft. If none of these solve the issue, make sure you follow the restore instructions that you can find on AOMEI Tech web page. If these are not helping, you will need to contact the official technical support team.