answered by Goggles Pisano
... Stopped all the Bluestacks services and when I retried Bluestacks, it came up ... need to do is inform Bluestacks of this cure and maybe ...

answered by anonymous
it is worthless. i have gone to process and stop starting with hd and whatever you said.but no change it is coming black screen only.
give me another idea

answered by anonymous
Thanks man... its worked for me!! Just stop the process starts from "HD-" and then go to Services tab stop the services starts with "Bluestack" (see the service description)

answered by anonymous
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

answered by anonymous
same problem. The re-instal process and clean clean ang clean. but still didn't work.

answered by anonymous
maybe try running it as administrator. i think it will work... I just searched it... maybe because it is beta only, so it has bugs and issues

answered by anonymous
my one is same problen did you tried version 0.8 my one is working after updating

answered by anonymous
... stop the services starts like 'BlueStack'
3. In task manager, Click show ... starts like 'HD-'
4. Start the bluestack

answered by anonymous
PETE, I followed your instructions and I can safely say that bluestacks still does not work. Do not assure anyone in the future please!

... and files. Proceed to uninstall BlueStacks in the old fashion way ... You will need to delete BlueStacks folder from C:\ProgramData\BluestacksSetup and ...