Is there a FootChecker update available?

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asked by about FootChecker
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We have a Loran pressure platform bought in 2006 which uses FootChecker. It is working under Windows XP but when is connected to a Windows 7 laptop there are a few inconveniences that may be eliminated with a software update. Is there a FootChecker update? Could the new software BIOMECH be used with our old EPS? How much will it cost this solution to our problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

The only way to obtain information about FootChecker is through the contact form. There is no information about the software or the product on the official website. Access the contact form and fill it with your information. As for BIOMECH, access their website and download the package to check if it's compatible with the EPS.

commented by (100 points)
Thank you Sthephen, it is a great help

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