Problems with Hquote

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Hi! Is there something wrong with "Hquote" software? I cannot download End-Of-Day data, yet I am a registered user. Help, please!

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (3.7k points)

First off, you should check the settings of your Internet connection. It might be required that you make some proxy adjustments, in order to properly use Hquotes. Also, don't forget to configure your firewall in order to allow Hquotes to access the Internet.

I installed the application, and indeed, when attempting to download End-Of-Day symbols, it failed. I think this has to do with the source of the information. The application acquires the necessary data from Yahoo Finance servers, and recently, they made some changes (certain links from Yahoo are not available anymore). Also, the website of Hquote's developer is not currently active. It is possible that they are working to remedy the situation.

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There is no evidence that they are working on problems. I used this successfully (as a registered user) for 2 years but it failed me early January 2013 and I cannot contact the supplier or find a source for a fresh download of the same version I was using. A backed up set of data runs perfectly satisfactorily under Metastock but attrmpted updates lock up and corrupt the downloaded data files so that they are not available to Metastock. I would avoid this program -- disappointing because the idea of calling down and formatting Yahoo's data is a good one but support appears to be minimal or non-existent.

commented by (100 points)
I have been using Hquote for many years and I never had any issues. They changed/improved the software by adding 50 100 150 200 days moving average and moreover you can go and check your fav indicators on other web page, but I  use Metastock so I will stay with this program for now
Another good think... you can't get it any cheaper $0

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