Why can't I download data from Yahoo past 5/12/2017 with Hquote Pro v 7.60?

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asked by about HQuote

It's mostly in the title. The portfolio download appears to initially work, showing the green progress bar and a symbol and name being downloaded, but it never finishes and progresses to another symbol.

3 Answers

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answered by

Yahoo changed something and that's the reason you can't use HQuote. I am also disappointed after using downloader for well over 10 years. BTW did you get in something different? Rocco

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answered by

Hquote relied on Yahoo finance API this free service from Yahoo has been terminated, unlike Arnold the developer team at Yahoo have said "it won't be back!!". If it helps, I now make use of a software called HSQuotes Downloader to continue maintaining my Metastock dB's

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answered by

Thanks for the answers! I think I'll try HSQuotes Downloader now that Yahoo has changed things. Hopefully it will be able to download Stock Market indexes also. I haven't been able to do that using MLDownloader.

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