How to burn a CD?

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asked by (120 points)
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I want to write a CD. But how to do it? Please teach me.

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (590 points)

First, you should prepare a burning software, like Nero, ImgBurn, or WinISO. a blank CD, DVD, BD is essential. For example: Burn a CD with WinISO

  1. run WinISO, click "Burn" on the toolbar
  2. choose the file you want to handle.
  3. click "OK" It's the easiest tool I have used. You can just have a try. Get more information at this page:
0 votes
answered by (100k points)
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To burn a CD with your own content your need burning software like Nero, ImgBurn or Ashampoo Burning Studio. Burning a CD is easy since all these burning applications have interactive wizard steps. Input your CD into CD/DVD-Rom, add files using Add button, select the burning speed and then hit Burn. This simple tutorial applies to these applications I mentioned earlier.

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